aStor is a network attached storage configurable via user-friendly web-interface. Based on Einarc (a universal storage RAID command line interface) and GNU/Linux. aStor provides file-based access. Currently it supports CIFS, NFS, FTP.
Project is sponsored and developed under the hood of ETegro Technologies company.
aStor is free software and it is licenced under GNU GPL version 3.
The latest aStor's source code can be obtained from Subversion repository:
svn co astor
There are simple automated build system located in trunk/build directory. It is separated on three parts:
chroot: | Used to create full root filesystem's contents. |
flash: | Used to create disk image based on root filesystem created on previous step. |
updates: | Used to create update patches and patchsets. |
We are providing some ready to use disk images here:
Just download .raw file and decompress it writing to either hard drive or USB flash drive to boot up from it in the future. For example:
xz -dc astor-disk_image-XXXXXXXX.raw.xz | dd of=/dev/XXX
Where /dev/XXX is your corresponding block device.
aStor itself is a Ruby On Rails application that provides Web-based user interface for configuration and some kind of overlay between it and operating system's and related software configuration.
aStor heavily uses Einarc tool to work with hard drives and logical drives (either JBOD or RAID) based on them.
Currently aStor uses Debian GNU/Linux distribution as base with standard provided software packages with it. Currently targeted platforms are i386 and amd64 only.